Other than Human World: emerging vegetal communication in the public space - ICA Preconference

Registration for the conference is closed for face-to-face sessions but remains open for distance learning.

You can also discover the program (via the program tab on the left).


WORKSHOP A LINK : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/93315327472?pwd=Smp1OVVXcFRyNmlMSE9NT1h0cnNEdz09

LINK WORKSHOP B : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/81619421648?pwd=OiMT2Az7n62Yhnr-L5ik5JWwWmRHE8.1

WORKSHOP C LINK : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/87910841504?pwd=PnSELIJWIJYQjCpeqHKrK1u5PTyXgH.1

At the interface between the natural environment and human communication, the understanding and the interest of non-human worlds are emerging more and more strongly in the public space. Connected to the notions of biodiversity and ecosystem, and fully inscribed in the vision of a "one-ness" of the natural world, the emergence of the living as a whole seeps into the public arenas, in a non-linear and sometimes non-visible way. To consider our communication on the plant world thus leads us to reflect and analyze our relationship with living beings that are essential to ecosystems, and that have crucial symbolic, environmental, societal, economic, and cultural importance. Through the study of communication, different axes seem to emerge, which we suggest as a non-exhaustive list for communication proposals:

• The evolution of the representations, discourses, and narratives on plants in education, media and digital social media.

• The enrollment of plants in different types of organizations and their public relation strategies: political (territories and territorial administrations), associative (NGO’s strategic communication) and commercial issues (strategies of the practices known as “green”.

• The question of artistic contributions and/or the question of the relationship to the body and to emotions (movies, artworks, songs, paintings).

• Mutations in the relationship to the norm and self-regulation in the relationship to the living: naturalist vision, anthropocene and anthropization issues.

Submission, selection process, practical information

Free registration for the conference is open (via the tab on the left).

The conference will take place in Aix-en-Provence, France, in the premises of Aix-Marseille University, on 25 and 26 May 2022. The conference will also be accessible in remote mode, online.

■        Paper proposals, in French or English, should include : first and last name, titles and functions, affiliation (e.g. university, laboratory), contact details of the author (e-mail); an abstract, maximum 500 words, excluding bibliography, taking care to present the research problem and methodology; a bibliography; a short biography of the author in the third person singular (max. 1000 characters, including spaces) Authors are asked to respect the APA bibliographic standards.

■         A second file should include only a fully anonymized version of the abstract and bibliography (check that the author’s identity does not appear in the metadata).

■         Abstracts for contributions to the conference are due by 10 February 2022, via the conference website: https://vegetals.sciencesconf.org and also by email to the following addresses: celine.pascual@univ-amu. fr and andrea.catellani@uclouvain.be

An email acknowledging receipt of the proposals will be sent.

■         If the proposal is accepted, the authors will be informed before 15 of March 2022.

■         An economic contribution may be requested from the selected authors.

■         A scientific publication is planned, following the conference.

Sponsorship / Division/Interest Group Affiliation
This preconference has received endorsements from the ICA Environmental Communication divisions, as well as the French Society of Information and Communication Sciences (SFSIC)

Organizers :
• Céline Pascual Espuny : Full Professor, Aix-Marseille Université, celine.pascual@univ-amu.fr
• Andrea Catellani : Professor, Université catholique de Louvain, andrea.catellani@uclouvain.be
• Daniel Raichvarg : Full Professor, Université de Bourgogne, Président d'honneur de la SFSIC (Société française des sciences de l'information et de la communication)
• Nicole d'Almeida : Full Professor, Université de la Sorbonne
• Catherine Loneux : Full Professor, Université de Rennes
• Amélie Coubault Lazzerini : Associated professor, Université de Grenoble
• Nataly Botero : Associated professor, Université de Bourgogne
• Daphné Duvernay : Associated professor, Université de Toulon
• Anne Gagnebien : Associated professor, Université de Toulon


event labelled SFSIC (French society of information and communication sciences).

Société Française des Sciences de l'Information & de la ...

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